1 Abstract¶
This document provides guidelines for anyone creating or updating the tutorials produced and maintained by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Community Science Team (CST). This includes all community-facing demonstrations made by CST members of how to use the Rubin Science Platform (RSP) or how to analyze Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) data. Formatting, editorial standards, workflow, and review policies are provided.
The CST uses these guidelines in Documentation for Data Preview 0.2 (DP0.2) and GitHub tutorial-notebooks repository. Members of the Rubin Observatory staff, as well as the broad community, are encouraged to contribute to the tutorial documentation.
2 Pedagogical principles¶
All tutorial developers should adhere to the following principles.
2.1 Inclusivity¶
Offensive or exclusionary language is never permitted (e.g., violent or ableist terms). Ensure jargon and acronyms are defined.
Please see the Rubin Observatory Communications Code of Conduct for additional guidance.
2.2 Level-appropriate¶
Tutorials should clearly identify and teach to their target audience: beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
2.3 Skill-focused¶
Tutorials should focus on teaching one or a few new skills or techniques, or providing one scientific demonstration.
2.4 Consumable¶
The user should be able to work through the core contents of a tutorial within 30 minutes. Additional examples could be included, but should be clearly labeled as extra steps. If your tutorial is longer, consider how to break up the information into individual modules.
2.5 Well-documented¶
High-quality documentation should be provided with the tutorial, including narrative descriptions, citations, references, and external links to, e.g., package documentation.
2.6 Cross-referenced¶
Tutorials should reference any precursor or advanced tutorials that users should consider as prerequisites or follow-up resources.
2.7 Properly credited¶
Appropriate acknowledgments should be provided to credit individuals whose notebooks were used as examples, and to set a precedent of prioritizing credits in an openly collaborative environment. Authors should cite other scientists or papers within the text of the tutorial where appropriate.
3 Jupyter notebook format, style, and code standards¶
3.1 Template¶
As a starting point, use the template Jupyter notebook in the cet-dev repository, which is part of the rubin-dp0
GitHub Organization.
The template contains an example of the header and the mandatory first section described below.
3.1.1 Header¶
The structure of the header is mandatory, and all of the following is already set up in the template.
In the first markdown cell, display the Rubin Observatory logo at upper left. To the right of the logo list the contact author, date last verified, version, container size, and targeted learning level.
The second, third, fourth, and fifth markdown cells should contain a very brief description,
a list of core skills, a list of the LSST data products, and a list of the python packages used by the notebook.
List the packages being taught first (e.g., afwDisplay
for a notebook about displaying images), and then supporting packages
(e.g., lsst.daf.butler
for a notebook about displaying images).
It is acceptable to omit basic support packages (e.g., os
, glob
, numpy
, matplotlib
The contents of cells two through five are used to automatically generate a table of notebook metadata in the README.md file for the repository.
The sixth and seventh markdown cells should contain the credits and acknowledgments, and information about where users should go to get support.
3.1.2 First section¶
The structure of the first section is mandatory, and all of the following is already set up in the template.
Provide a brief narrative about this notebook, e.g., “This notebook will teach the user…”. Cite or link to any external information or documentation, and cross-reference to other notebooks.
The first subsection should always be 1.1 Package Imports
It should have a markdown cell that provides explanations and/or links to external package documentation, as appropriate.
All package imports must be done in the first code cell.
The second subsection should always be 1.2 Define Functions and Parameters
Globally defined utility functions, plotting defaults, or constants should be here.
It is acceptable to rename the subsection to be more specific to the notebook, and/or to use sub-subsections like
1.2.1 Define global cosmological parameter values
or 1.2.2 Define a function to make an image cutout
If applicable, it is preferred to leave this subsection header in the document and state that no additional functions and parameters are used.
3.1.3 Section structure¶
For all sections after the first, use numbers for sections, subsections, and sub-subsections to enable referencing in support requests, e.g., “I’m having trouble with the second code cell in Section 2.3.”
Use section titles that actively describe what is being done, e.g., 2.2 Create a color-magnitude diagram
instead of 2.2 Plot
, so that the auto-generated table of contents is easy to navigate.
It is very common, but not mandatory, to end all notebook tutorials with a section called Exercises for the learner
with suggestions of
how the user can make changes to the tutorial test options and examples, or guide them on the next step forward on their own.
3.2 Tables and plots¶
3.2.1 Table data format¶
Results from a Table Access Protocol (TAP) service search are best displayed as an astropy
table using .to_table()
or as a pandas dataframe using .to_table().to_pandas()
Do not use the .to_table().show_in_notebook()
This can cause issues in the RSP JupyterLab environment that cause the notebook to hang indefinitely.
3.2.2 Plot color palette¶
To be Color Vision Deficiency (CVD or colorblind) friendly, plots should use either
(1) matplotlib
color tables viridis
(2) cividis,
(3) a greyscale, or
(4) the new tableau-colorblind10.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
For the LSST filter set ugrizy
, adopt the same colors as Dark Energy Survey (DES), which were chosen to be colorblind-friendly:
plot_filter_colors = {'u': '#56b4e9', 'g': '#008060', 'r': '#ff4000', 'i': '#850000', 'z': '#6600cc', 'y': '#000000'}
3.2.3 Image orientation¶
When using a World Coordinate System (WCS), display East left, North up.
If only using pixels, (0,0)
should be the lower-left, which is the default for awfDisplay
When using other plotting packages, transformations might be needed in order to match the afwDisplay default. See the LSST Science Pipelines documentation about Image Indexing.
Since use of “extent” is necessary for displaying a WCS overlay for deepCoadds
, use it all the time:
deepCoadd = butler.get('deepCoadd', dataId=dataId)
deepCoadd_bbox = butler.get('deepCoadd_calexp.bbox', dataId=dataId)
deepCoadd_wcs = butler.get('deepCoadd_calexp.wcs', dataId=dataId)
deepCoadd_WCSfMd = WCS(deepCoadd_wcs.getFitsMetadata())
deepCoadd_extent = (deepCoadd_bbox.beginX, deepCoadd_bbox.endX, deepCoadd_bbox.beginY, deepCoadd_bbox.endY)
plt.imshow(deepCoadd.image.array, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=2, extent=deepCoadd_extent, origin='lower')
3.3 Clearing memory¶
These are optional methods for keeping memory use manageable in notebooks which may be computationally restrictive, e.g., demonstrating data visualization techniques with big datasets.
To reduce the memory footprint of a notebook, remove figures once they’re no longer needed.
See the remove_figure
function defined in the DP0 notebook 03_Image_Display_and_Manipulation.ipynb in the tutorial-notebooks repository.
A method for clearing memory of, for example, large arrays that are not going to be used further on in the notebook is in development.
3.4 Assert statements¶
It is not mandatory nor expected for assert statements to be included in python scripts or notebooks, but tutorial developers should consider the following guidance.
Where essential, or where a very specific value is expected, the assert
command can be used to demonstrate to users that a condition is true.
For example, assert
statements can be used to confirm that service objects like TAP are not None
or null
before moving on and using that instance,
or to check that values meet expectations (e.g., total rows returned from a query).
However, take care not to use assert
statements when, e.g., querying dynamic (prompt) datasets, which could return different results and cause the assert statement to fail.
Consider more pedagogical alternatives when possible (e.g., printing schema columns would also fail if the TAP service was not instantiated).
3.5 Known warnings¶
If a code cell produces a warning which is known and it should be ignored, the preferred method is to add a markdown cell before the code cell which produces the warning, to tell the user it is acceptable to ignore.
Guidelines about the options to ignore categories of warnings are under consideration, and will be added here in the future.
Until then, use of, e.g., warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)
is not preferred because ignoring categories
of warnings can allow real issues to go unnoticed.
3.6 Markdown style¶
Any references to variables used in code cells or any code commands should be in monospaced font
Use of indented text should be limited to warnings and notices, e.g., > **Warning:** the following cell...
The most appropriate narrative voice for tutorials is still under consideration. Adopt your own style and apply it consistently throughout the notebook.
3.7 Code cell comments¶
Markdown cells are the preferred way to provide descriptive text. Avoid using comments within a code cell as documentation.
3.8 Code cell style standard PEP8¶
is the style guide for Python code that comprises the standard library of the distribution,
and flake8
is a tool to ensure compliance with these standards.
Use flake8
to ensure notebook code conforms to PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code, with a few exceptions.
Notebook tutorial developers must install the following packages locally in their home directory:
pip install --user flake8-nb
pip install --user pycodestyle_magic
It is known that the most up-to-date version of flake8
has some issues.
If errors are encountered such as AttributeError: '_io.StringIO' object has no attribute 'buffer'
force-downgrade flake8
from version 4.0.1
to 3.9.2
with pip install flake8==3.9.2
3.8.1 The flake8 config file¶
Create a configuration file for flake8
These instructions use emacs
, but it doesn’t matter so long as the end result is correctly-named file with the right contents.
For example, from the command line in your home directory, execute:
touch .config/flake8
emacs .config/flake8
Then copy-paste the following into the opened config file:
max-line-length = 99
ignore = E133, E226, E228, E266, N802, N803, N806, N812, N813, N815, N816, W503
Use x-s
then x-c
to save and exit emacs.
3.8.2 While developing a notebook¶
While developing a notebook, have the following “magic” commands as the first code cell:
%load_ext pycodestyle_magic
import logging
Whenever you execute a cell, it will use flake8
to check for adherence to the PEP8
coding style guide, and report violations.
Fix them as you go.
Once you’re done with the entire notebook, you can remove that cell with the magic commands.
3.8.3 When the notebook is complete¶
When the notebook is complete, execute the following from the command line in the notebook’s directory:
flake8-nb notebook_name.ipynb
This will give you a final check of any violations with PEP8
This will catch things that can be missed line-by-line, such as packages that are imported but never used.
4 Git branch, merge, and review policy for tutorial-notebooks repository¶
The following applies when creating or updating notebooks in the tutorial-notebooks repository,
which is part of the rubin-dp0
GitHub Organization.
The main
branch is where changes are collected before pushing prod
The prod
branch is the version available in the RSP.
4.1 Branch¶
Develop new notebooks, or update existing ones, in a new branch.
This branch should be named for the corresponding Jira ticket (e.g., “tickets/PREOPS-12345”).
The new branch should be created from main
, not from prod
Unless the ticket is to make similar updates to all notebooks, only update one notebook per ticket branch (e.g., when bumping the RSP’s recommended image).
Update the repository’s README.md
file in the branch, when appropriate.
4.2 Commit and push¶
Always restart the Jupyter Notebook kernel and clear all outputs before saving, committing, and pushing changes to your branch.
4.3 Pull request¶
When the notebook is complete open a pull request to merge the ticket branch into the main
branch (again, not to prod
4.4 Review¶
Contact one or more Rubin Observatory staff members with the appropriate expertise and ask them to review the tutorial. Reviewers do not need to be members of the CST. If they agree, assign them as a reviewer on your pull request. If you are unsure whom to assign as a reviewer, ask the Lead Community Scientist to help identify someone.
Ensure that all of the reviewers’ comments are addressed. Make changes and new commits to the branch, and respond to all of their comments with either a confirmation a change was made, or an explanation of why the request was not implemented.
Contact the reviewers to let them know the pull request now awaits their approval.
4.5 Merge¶
After the reviewers have approved the pull request, rebase and merge
your ticket branch into the main
branch (again, not to prod
Resolve all conflicts, if there are any.
After the successful merge, delete your branch.
4.6 Release to prod branch¶
To “release” the new version of main
to prod
branch (i.e., to update all RSP users’ tutorial notebooks),
delete the current prod-prior-to-rebranch
branch, rename prod
as prod-prior-to-rebranch
, then create a new prod
branch from main
Doing this way avoids weird history-based git issues that cause conflicts in main
to prod
There is no need to track the history between main
and prod
The number of pushes to the prod
branch should be minimized.
For example, if there are a few tickets being completed within a week, coordinate with other notebook developers to collect all changes in
the main
branch, and then do a single “release” to prod
4.7 Jira tickets¶
Remember to make comments in the associated Jira tickets about the major updates and mark the ticket as done.
4.8 Updates to the RSP’s recommended version¶
Decisions on whether to update (or, “bump”) the recommended image for the RSP are made jointly between the CST and the RSP teams. Once the decision has been made, a PREOPS Jira ticket will be created and assigned to a CST member.
Bumping the recommended image always occurs during the regularly scheduled maintenance periods, “Patch Thursday.”
The notebook updates should be merged to the main
branch by the day before.
The workflow is to create a new branch of the tutorial-notebooks
repository from the main
test all of the notebooks with the new version, and make updates as needed.
Do not suppress warnings while testing.
It is not necessary to use the flake8
“magic” commands while testing, unless significant changes to the code are required.
At minimum, the header will have to be updated with a new date and verified version. Ensure that all notebooks are cleared before committing new versions.
When the updates are complete, use a new pull request to merge the branch into main
A review is not typically needed at this stage.
During the Patch Thursday window, after the recommended image has been bumped, release to prod
following the instructions of Release to prod branch.
Remember to make comments in the associated Jira tickets about the major updates and mark the ticket as done.
4.9 Major updates log¶
All new tutorials or significant changes should be documented for users in the Log of Major Tutorial Updates.
5 Portal tutorial format and style¶
The portal tutorials are written in reStructuredText (RST) format and are kept within the data release documentation at Portal Tutorials under DP0.2 Tutorials.
All portal tutorials should have a descriptive title, list the contact authors, the date last verified to run, RSP/code version that was last verified to run, and the targeted learning level. A brief narrative introduction to the tutorial should be provided at the top of the page.
The rest of the portal tutorial should be divided into sequentially numbered steps and substeps. Use descriptive text and screenshots to demonstrate what the user should do. Augment screenshots with indicators (e.g., arrows or circles) to guide the users attention as needed.
Ensure that any Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL) is put into code boxes in RST so that users may copy-paste whenever possible.
It is very common, but not mandatory, to end all portal tutorials with a section called Exercises for the learner
with suggestions of
how the user can make changes to the tutorial test options and examples, or guide them on the next step forward on their own.
6 Git branch, merge, and review policy for portal tutorials¶
The following applies when creating or updating tutorials in the dp0-2_lsst_io repository, which is part of the lsst
GitHub Organization.
Develop new tutorials, or update existing ones, in a new branch.
This branch should be named for the corresponding Jira ticket (e.g., “tickets/PREOPS-12345”).
The new branch should be created from main
Typically, only one tutorial is updated per ticket branch.
Make commits and push changes to your branch in the dp0-2_lsst_io
repository until work is complete, then open a pull request to main
Contact one or more Rubin Observatory staff members with the appropriate expertise and ask them to review the tutorial. At least one reviewer should be a member of the CST. If they agree, assign them as a reviewer on your pull request.
Ensure that all of the reviewers’ comments are addressed. Make changes and new commits to the branch, and respond to all of their comments with either a confirmation a change was made, or an explanation of why the request was not implemented.
Contact the reviewers to let them know the pull request now awaits their approval.
After the reviewers have approved the pull request, rebase and merge
your ticket branch into the main
Resolve all conflicts, if there are any.
After the successful merge, delete your branch.
Remember to make comments in the associated Jira tickets about the major updates and mark the ticket as done.
All new tutorials or significant changes should be documented for users in the Log of Major Tutorial Updates.
7 Stretch goals¶
Listed below are CST future content or capability goals under consideration.
Work is on-going in these areas, and in time they will become part of the guidelines above.
7.1 Notebook metadata¶
Embed notebook metadata (e.g., version, skills, packages) in a way that can be scraped and used to auto-generate the README.md
file or a Table of Contents, to enable users to browse notebook contents.
7.2 Narrative voice¶
Adopt a best practice for narrative instructions (e.g., use terms like “you” or write in passive voice).
7.3 Accessibility¶
Improve tutorials’ accessibility to people with visual disabilities by finding and implementing, e.g., screen reader compatibility software, data sonification packages.
7.4 Translations¶
At minimum, translate any undergraduate-level tutorials into Spanish.
Additionally, improve tutorials’ accessibility to non-English speakers by finding and implementing automatic translation and localization software.
7.5 Purge extraneous items in notebooks¶
Develop a best practice for how to keep notebook memory usage in check, in addition to deleting figures.
E.g., whether or not the del
command is sufficient for this.
7.6 Recipe functions¶
Create recipes for common user activities. These could be, e.g., ADQL searches for the portal, code snippets for the command line, or python modules that can be imported.
When these are used in the advanced notebooks, also demonstrate use of the inspect.getsource
functionality for users to display function code.